Good morning. I'm LG, some moody, male teenager. I like to make dinky games on Scratch and IGM, play dumb video games, and rant. This is my web site, where I vent about my struggles, talk about my games, and unravel the odd story of the discs. Check out the About Extras page for more.

I'll be updating this web site very frequently, as I have a lot more to rant about, and a lot more to share with you all. I hope you all enjoy what I have to offer, unless I'm not really offering anything at the moment.

While this web site is typically used as a way to share my games, I also use it to share videos, teasers, and my thoughts. Like most websites, this is the essential place to discover more about its creator and its projects.

If you're here to get in contact with me, you can do that via my Discord server, found below the Navbar. Also, I won't be providing my email anywhere. Otherwise, have fun on my digital home on the world wide web.

This web site was made as a way for me to talk about random stuff I talk to myself about, mainly to avoid having to use a platform like X (formerly known as Twitter). I also get to add all sorts of fun details everywhere.

The reason it doesn't look nearly as fancy or polished as most modern websites is because I'm just plain alright when it comes to HTML and CSS, and I'm actively still getting used to their quirks and limitations. Other languages I know are Scratch and IGM, but I'm not quite sure if these count.

Oh yea, this website used to be hosted on Neocities. However, the built-in editor wasn't great, and the file size was limited, albeit I'd probably never reach the cap. I know most websites like these are hosted on Neocities, but just know that I didn't make the switch to "stand out from the crowd" or anything.

Also GitHub is just better

Q : What kind of games do you make?A : Platformers, turn-based, and text-based games.
Q : Why do you have over 35,000 hours on Cookie Clicker?A : I like cookies.
Q : Are you good at Fortnite?A : Probably not.
Q : Why does your web site suck complete ass?A : Yours probably doesn't look much better.
Q : What is your favorite show *ever*?A : The Amazing World of Gumball.
Q : Do you have W rizz?A : The hell is "rizz"?
Q : What is your favorite album *ever*?A : I'm still working on that one. Sorry.
Q : Why are swears censored?A : I'd like to keep this site as PG-13 as possible.
Q : How would you rate your pain?A : Five, on a scale of one-to-ten.
Q : Is there a fly in your room?A : Yup. Where it came from, I have no clue.
Q : How often do you update this web site?A : Pretty freaking often.

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Hyphen-Lost Website
i'm a budding game developer and pixel artist who likes messing around with various projects ...
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Rylie Eric Website
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© 2023-2024 LG Productions • Built with GitHub and Brackets